Bank Jugging - A Violent Crime Sweeping The Country

Bank jugging, a concerning trend in robberies, is making headlines across the country. Criminals are finding new ways to target individuals after they visit their banks, posing a serious threat to unsuspecting victims. In this article, we'll delve into the world of bank jugging, exploring what it is, why it's happening, and most importantly, how you can protect yourself.

Understanding Bank Jugging

Bank jugging typically involves criminals spotting someone who just visited a bank or ATM, then following that person to their home to rob them. The advantage for criminals is that they can see if the victim has cash on them, making the robbery potentially more lucrative. This crime is happening nationwide, from Texas to California to Virginia, with dozens of reported cases.

Tactics Employed by Juggers

According to Jonathan Epperson, a sergeant at the Fairfax County Police Department, bank jugging often starts with criminals hanging around banks, watching for people leaving with envelopes or backpacks. The criminals hope to follow the person, expecting to score big by stealing the cash later. These cases can also involve deception, such as puncturing a victim's tire to force them to stop, posing as a Good Samaritan, and then stealing their money.

Impact on Victims

Bank jugging can have a traumatizing impact on victims, causing fear and anxiety. Victims like Mark Gardner and others have shared their harrowing experiences of being targeted by armed individuals, highlighting the potential danger associated with this crime.

Protecting Yourself from Bank Jugging

Staying safe from bank jugging requires awareness and precautionary measures. Here are some tips to protect yourself:

  1. Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Pay attention to your surroundings, especially if you notice someone following you.

  2. Conceal Cash: Avoid openly carrying bank bags, envelopes, or coin boxes. Conceal cash before leaving the bank.

  3. Lock Your Doors: Always lock your car doors when you get in. Juggers may follow potential victims out of the parking lot.

  4. Switch Up Your Route: Make several turns and switch up your route to prevent being easily followed.

  5. Report Suspicious Activity: If you see something unusual at the bank or feel you are being watched, call the police immediately.

Police Action Against Bank Jugging

In addition to public awareness, police are actively trying to prevent bank jugging incidents. Recent success stories include authorities in Kyle, Texas, intervening to stop an attempted jugging after receiving a tip about suspicious activity.

Local Impact: Plano, Texas

Plano, Texas, has seen a significant increase in bank jugging incidents. In 2022 alone, the Plano Police Department reported 48 cases, resulting in victims losing around $505,000 in cash. The department is actively sharing information and surveillance videos to help identify suspects.


Bank jugging is a serious and growing concern that requires vigilance and proactive measures to stay safe. By being aware of your surroundings, concealing cash, and taking precautionary steps, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to this crime. Remember, your safety is paramount, and staying informed is the first step to protecting yourself from emerging threats like bank jugging.

Active Self Protection

Having a plan can save your life. Having the knowledge that evil exists can kick some ass.


Bank jugging poses a real threat to personal safety, and staying informed and vigilant is crucial. By adopting the recommended safety measures and reporting suspicious activities, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to this alarming trend. Remember, your safety matters, and taking proactive steps can make a meaningful difference in protecting yourself from potential harm.

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